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Love them!
I just finished listening to my first episode form these guys after hearing them on the USLHS podcast and I am definitely going to stick with them. I love how they’re younger, like my age and as into lighthouses as me. I never meet others my age who love lighthouses. And their chemistry and banter back and forth is funny I found myself smiling and laughing out loud with them sometimes. I’d love to visit lighthouses with them! And we need more lighthouse lovers and lighthouse media out there. Keep up the good work! Also, this is my first ever review left on a podcast (and I listen to many) so props to you guys for inspiring me to actually come on and do one!

Proud lighthouse nerd!
I had no idea there was a podcast about lighthouses. I love it! Thank you for such an awesome show!

Didn’t expect to actually find a podcast on this
I’m doing research for a book I want to write that centers around a lighthouse. Hoped to find something to listen to at work and was delighted to find this. I love fun facts and history in general and this is such a great find for me

Adore lighthouses. Adore this podcast.
Need a new podcast to wander with? This is it. I love the history and the mystery of the foggy past. I saw the show talent on a live feed with Mums Mysteries & Murder podcast and they were charming : - ) Written in the morning mists of the Oregon valley 🌲 Ken Volante Host of Something (rather than nothing) Podcast